Robert Wood, DVM



Dr. Wood initially entered college at the University of Alabama Birmingham intending to study marine biology, but a friend persuaded him that a pre-veterinary program offered more career options. He concurred and has been a practicing veterinarian since 1981 after earning his DVM from Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. 

At the start of his veterinary career, Dr. Wood considered becoming board-certified but realized he didn’t want to limit his focus to a single specialty. Instead, he opted for general practice and pushed the envelope of what this could offer patients, becoming an early adopter of new and emerging technologies and treatments. For example, RAC was among the first general veterinary practices to offer ultrasound when it initially became available in the 1990s. 

Dr. Wood’s foresight has helped to position Riverview Animal Clinic on the leading edge of general veterinary care, offering many advanced clinical capabilities usually found only in tertiary referral centers.